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Why the Qur’an is the greatest book of the world – a comprehensive analysis

The Qur’an is a great book given by Allah, which provides advice and guidance for all mankind. It is the foundation of Islam and central to the religious life of Muslims. The Qur’an stands out from all other religious and literary texts for its unchanging language and magnificence. It is extraordinary and unique to each […]

Why the Qur’an is the greatest book of the world – a comprehensive analysis Read More »

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Introduction If the Qur’an is truly one timeless, unchanged book, how can it be read in multiple ways? What is the meaning behind these multiple readings (qirāʾāt), and how many are there? Did the Prophet ﷺ use all these different readings? Is this beneficial knowledge for non-experts? Will it enrich my Qur’anic experience? This article

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